The best ways how to quickly excited man

Sexual activity and the excitability of the men responds to the level of his libido and temperament. Often, there are situations where it could get sexual appetites of the men on the bottom of some of the differences in the body. Particularly relevant the question the more quickly aroused the man, if it comes to couples with very long relationships.

The passion

It is simply in the body of the man and the relations between the partners, that after a certain time it can fade away the passion and the attraction. If this requires a correction, the experts are willing to share effective methods, how to increase libido quickly and excite a man. But for a start, it is advisable to identify the causes of low libido and eliminate them, after which you familiarize yourself with the types of stimulation.

Types of stimulation

Sex is an essential condition of a harmonious relationship, and if one of the partners lose interest in sex life, this does not mean that you must put on it a cross. In fact, there are many ways to stimulation enabling the man strongly excited, and return the sexual desire of their partner.


Not a secret that men love the eyes, so what looks like a woman, directly depends on his sex drive and sexual activity. No man can resist a girl in a beautiful lingerie with the makeup and the pose, the woman, therefore, has necessarily need to analyze their external data.

The main natural form of sexual stimulation is a vision of the contemplation of the sexual object. The object of the same is necessary to be attractive and sexy, the solution will be to display photos, images or videos with erotic content. As practice shows, it allows you to quickly and quite excited at the man and his partner.


Still another important way, how to excite a man and to place nearby a woman's voice. It is not uncommon, when a man is in love exclusively in the voice of the girl, not to see its external data. The representatives of the stronger sex interest in the first place for the girls to effeminate, melodic and sensual voice.

In addition to the vote to give the necessary attention and the intonation, it must be a little languid and mysterious, the girl was flirting with his elect. Well, and do not under-estimate the effectiveness of the unbalance of words. The most effective way to act pornographic videos, which excite the man, and his partner in a few minutes.

If men can occur of sexual disorders and dysfunctions, visual and auditory stimulation to be effective. If you are experiencing erection problems and urinary system above methods are not very effective.


The food is not only a way to stave off hunger, it is a source of valuable vitamins and minerals, useful substances for the complete operation of the organization as a whole. Experts say that certain products are aphrodisiacs, able to excite any man. Increase libido and sexy appetite, you can, if you regularly consume the following products:

  • oysters, shrimp, fish and other seafood;
  • strawberries, peaches, figs, avocados, citrus, bananas;
  • the onion and the garlic;
  • the liver;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • asparagus, dill and persil;
  • almonds and other nuts.

Also almost all the other spices and spices have an impact on the male body and sexual scope as above the product to be an aphrodisiac. The main condition for obtaining a result, their regular consumption in the optimal amount, overdose may also be harmful and dangerous to the opposite effect.

An attitude psychological

If a man can not more excited, his may come from his partner, changed his appearance, his voice and his behavior. Men never attracted unnecessary initiatory and girls, but passive, closed, people, rare are those who want to. To excite a man, a woman needs to be:

  • relaxed, but not vulgar;
  • easy to communicate with sense of humor and charisma;
  • charming and relaxed;
  • self-confidence;
  • flirtatious and playful.
The lovers

The best way to the manifestation of sexual desire between the partners is a flirt, and if a woman will help you to be given to a man in this way, it's pretty quickly excited. A man needs to avoid the stress, conflicts, quarrels and misunderstandings with a woman, to establish the mode of work and rest.

Stimulant medications

If all these methods fail, you can resort to the help of stimulant medication. But before the men need to consult a doctor to choose the drug is effective and its dosage. To distinguish between several different types of drugs stimulants of the libido and erection:

  1. Stimulants, synthetic composition – uses of generic tools, which guarantee a man quick to achieve an erection. The medicine should be taken before the sexual act, following all the instructions in the manual. After this, the men, we observe a strong and prolonged erection, and to enjoy long and quality sex.
  1. The stimulants of the animal of the composition – in the framework of these pills contain components of animal origin, it is-menus for the animal enzymes causing the sexual activity and erection in men.

The stimulants of erection and the power, can apply only to a certain period of time and is strictly according to the instructions, otherwise, they may develop side effects. They all have to be of a temporary nature of the impact, the root of the problem in the sexual sphere must find and correct by a specialist.

The traditional methods

Traditional medicine is a good alternative to traditional methods of contra-indications and side-effects. Most often, experts recommend using herbal medicine, thanks to which it is complete of beneficial effects on the entire body and sexual system.

Plant aphrodisiacs can be the following:

  • the root of ginseng;
  • rhodiola rosea;
  • the root of asparagus;
  • thyme;
  • seeds of fennel;
  • the lemongrass;
  • the artichoke;
  • the seeds of nettle;
  • the roots of the parsnips;
  • fennel.

The council! Effective and the most popular today are pathogenic for men and women is a perfume with pheromones for men and women that help to excite the opposite sex's perfume.


From these plants, you can prepare an alcoholic tincture, and you can make a decoction or an infusion. Also, experts advise to use aromamasla inducing centers of the nervous system and the brain responsible for sexual arousal of men. It is the esters of cinnamon, ylang-ylang, vanilla, rosemary, saffron, almonds.


Sexual arousal responds to the level of the libido of men, but under the influence of a number of factors of negative influence, it often happens that the libido drops. Rapidly excite a man, you can, using visual and auditory stimulation from a woman, also a special attention is paid to the psycho-emotional state of men. Popular medicine called a certain number of plants to pathogens, the official medicine stimulant drugs for men.